About This Game 9 Grids VR is an arcade-style, fast-paced, short and easy fun game for the HTC Vive that is a combination of whack a mole and dodgeball in a apocalyptic world. *Please note that you MUST have a HTC vive in order to play the the game!*Slash or blast up your enemies and dodge their attacks by moving physically around the unique 9 Grids movement system!FeaturesCurrently 2 Worlds available with 5 levels each. Game-time is approximately 3 minutes for each level.Gameplay▪ Achieve the highest kill score while taking as little damage as possible▪ Waves of enemies with increasing difficulty▪ Defeat a boss at the end of the level[To start round, use weapon to touch 'Start' button. Then use weapon to hit the level orbs that are orbiting around player. To change between worlds, press top left touchpad button]Watch Level Select Tutorial Video at https://youtu.be/sKmuM39VX00Movement Mechanisms▪ There are 9 locations (in the form of logs or rocks) and the player can hop to any of the location to dodge projectiles▪ Layout of the 9 locations is similar to the numpad▪ Enemies spawn in a separate set of 9 locations in front of the player To move, player has the current two options:Basic - Press trigger and move in real life to hop to the next location in gameAuto - Trigger button not required before each hop[Press both triggers to toggle between Basic and Auto]Watch Movement Tutorial Video at https://youtu.be/9iIFcUGhpoYAttack MechanismsSword: Slash from up to down (vertically or diagonally) or from right to left to unleash a sword arcHammer (experimental): Hammer motion - Raise the hammer up high and strike downwards - to call lightning strikesGauntlet (experimental): Punching motion - from back to forwards - to fire energy punchesEach weapon has a different hit radius and damage. Possible to wield two different weapons at the same time.[Hold grip button and bring current weapon behind player - Imagine there is a sheath on your back]Watch Weapon Tutorial Video at https://youtu.be/_190CcIAABQ------Developer's CommentsThe game may still contain several bugs at this point of time. We have priced the game with the consideration to increase prices in the future with more content updates, somewhat like an early access title / pre-order. All proceeds will go towards game content.Early buyers get free content updates although if there isn't much interest in this genre, there's the risk of little future content. We appreciate all feedback and support (in terms of comments or reviews)! 7aa9394dea Title: 9Grids VRGenre: Action, Casual, IndieDeveloper:KlexianPublisher:Ignite VRRelease Date: 12 Sep, 2016 9Grids VR Download] [Ativador] Nice graphic! It's a great game for when you want to just zone out and slash some ninjas. I'm looking forward to more updates and additional stages!. Nice graphic! It's a great game for when you want to just zone out and slash some ninjas. I'm looking forward to more updates and additional stages!. Arcade game about slicing monsters at a distance. More satisfying than slicing a bunch of fruit. The 'dodgeball' aspect gives some motivation to move about although the difficulty takes a while to ramp up. The hammer weapon effects feel great but can be a bit finicky when I try to aim at a specific square instead of swinging at everything.As of 15\/09: Content updates in a description seem like a todo list without a deadline... for the price I'll treat this as a Xmas wishlist and come back to take a look in December ;). https:\/\/youtu.be\/UpLChtpbrUII don't even know where to begin...I'm at a loss of where to start to critique this. It's buggy, confusing and generally not fun. It may only be $1.99 but this isn't something that is in a state where it should be charged for yet. It doesn't even feel like a lot of effort was put into it. I can overlook some issues if it seems like the dev\/devs cared about the game. This just feels slapped together and tossed out to make a buck.VR Gameplay 2\/10 (swing your arm in front of you and hope it activates your attack)VR Graphics 8\/10 (It was pretty, kinda reminded me of Kojimas Death Stranded trailer)Audio 6\/10 (Out of place music and repetitive sound effects that sometimes randomly went off for seemingly no reason)Locomotion 1\/10Weird pull the trigger then step to the side to hop platform to platform. It was buggy and kept popping me up in the air. If I was prone to motion sickness I have a feeling this game would have set it off pretty badly.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UpLChtpbrUII don't even know where to begin...I'm at a loss of where to start to critique this. It's buggy, confusing and generally not fun. It may only be $1.99 but this isn't something that is in a state where it should be charged for yet. It doesn't even feel like a lot of effort was put into it. I can overlook some issues if it seems like the dev\/devs cared about the game. This just feels slapped together and tossed out to make a buck.VR Gameplay 2\/10 (swing your arm in front of you and hope it activates your attack)VR Graphics 8\/10 (It was pretty, kinda reminded me of Kojimas Death Stranded trailer)Audio 6\/10 (Out of place music and repetitive sound effects that sometimes randomly went off for seemingly no reason)Locomotion 1\/10Weird pull the trigger then step to the side to hop platform to platform. It was buggy and kept popping me up in the air. If I was prone to motion sickness I have a feeling this game would have set it off pretty badly.. Arcade game about slicing monsters at a distance. More satisfying than slicing a bunch of fruit. The 'dodgeball' aspect gives some motivation to move about although the difficulty takes a while to ramp up. The hammer weapon effects feel great but can be a bit finicky when I try to aim at a specific square instead of swinging at everything.As of 15\/09: Content updates in a description seem like a todo list without a deadline... for the price I'll treat this as a Xmas wishlist and come back to take a look in December ;)
9Grids VR Download] [Ativador]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020