About This Game With fast-paced gameplay and unique side scrolling 2D action, Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO) is an Action-anime MORPG played by over 500 million players worldwide.Delve into the fantasy adventure with an epic story line and a variety of characters!You are the hero of the next adventure!Retro-styleDungeon Fighter Online is a 2D side-scrolling action game inspired by classic arcade games such as Golden Axe and Double Dragon.If memories of playing good ol' games like Street Fighter gives you nostalgia, and want to indulge yourself into a similar experience, this is the game for you!Incredible Hit Effects and Spectacular CombosLike a true action game, Dungeon Fighter Online showcases dazzling hit effects and complex combos! Easy to learn but hard to master!Also, there are beautiful illustrations for each class which adds more fun to your gaming experience!* Dynamic CustomizationDFO allows you to customize your character with various types of avatars. Dyes are available so that you can color and personalizeyour avatars, giving yourself a unique look! 7aa9394dea Title: Dungeon Fighter OnlineGenre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPGDeveloper:NeoplePublisher:NeopleRelease Date: 9 Aug, 2016 Dungeon Fighter Online Download Exe File Worth my life.... Fantastic game. If your looking for a classic action styled RPG and love toe hard grind to get gud, this is the game for u. Dont dobut the graphics off jump!. what was life like before this?. I love it ^^. Played this way back when Nexon NA was still the publisher and quit due to poor handling of the game. Flash Forward into the future and now the game is being published under its actual developers Neople who clearly know how to take care of this game.Gameplay is simple. Its a arcade side-scrolling beat 'em up type game with gameplay mechanics similar to that of a fighting game like Street Fighter. Skills in this game can be activated on input such that as a fighting game or traditionally like MMOs where you do skills on a set skill slot that is activated on the hotkey you set for it. The classes in this game are all unique in that some of them advance to do completely different roles. For example, the female mage advancing to become a Battle Mage which changes her whole playstyle into melee focused dps as opposed to one of her other class advancements such as Elementalist which is focused on bursting down enemies with ranged magic. The level progression is imo pretty fast. The game has a heavy focus on its endgame progression so leveling up from 1-90 per character should take you about 2 weeks or more depending on how invested you are in playing. Since this game uses a fatigue system. If you wanted to keep playing for longer periods of time. You would most likely need to make a new character as each character has their own separate fp bar. You will be able to learn more about the other classes by doing this which may help you decide on who you want to main.To follow up from the level progression. You do scenarios which are basically the story quests of the game. DFO's lore is actually pretty interesting if you want to take time to read it when playing. Though its not as good comparing it to the likes of Warcraft or Final Fantasy. The Questing is pretty much scenario after scenario which involves a lot of talking and doing the next part of a dungeon. It can be boring to some (because its so damn easy), but the fp bar basically encourages you to completely exhaust it for the day and I honestly think its better than the original system Nexon had where you didn't have a limit on your character, but would probably get bored quickly because there was nothing motivating you to keep grinding.2D graphics and still has some nice looking visuals for a game originally released in 2005.PVP is something I can't really say much about mainly because I don't pvp at all. I prefer the pve aspect of this game and from what I'm aware of. Its hard to get into with the servers being not as good as other games and is dependent on your ping obviously.The community is very good. Theres barely anyone that would honestly be considered a troll. Most people are willing to help you if you ever need a question answered in the megaphone chat. Joining a guild helps and also benefits you a lot for special buffs, guild dungeons and just a bunch of new friends to play with.As you can probably tell from the amount of hours I've played. I love this game and this playtime doesn't even amount that much from before DFO was put onto the steam store. The one thing I found most enjoyable doing in this game is playing all the classes as you may be one of those players who wants to level up many alts for fun or focus on one character, but still make several other characters as alts benefit you with explorer level, extra dailies, support skill, etc. The game has a pretty decent f2p model currently for a game developed in Korea as most progression is done during endgame for gear. The game patches every two weeks with new events that will help you progress the game with ease. You'll likely not need to spend any money on this game unless you feel like supporting the developer\/publishers. I've only spent around 20 dollars on this game for avatars as I like customization. You can customize your characters looks by buying avatars and can also use purchase different colours of dye to make your char look somewhat unique from others. The avatars can change the appearance of the clothing, eyes and the hair of your character. The avatars do cost real money and give stat benefits (clone avatars), but can also be obtained in game from events or purchased from other players at the auction with in game gold.To conclude, I recommend this game to anyone who's into eastern games as its one of the few f2p Korean games that are far from pay2win, fun both solo and with friends. Has flashy looking skills for every class and is just an aesthetically appealing game that you may come to enjoy.. Take a side-scrolling Beat 'Em Up like Final Fight, Golden Axe, or Shadows over Mystara. Add in MMO elements, 4 player co-op, and some amazingly high-quality sprite art and you get DFO. It's still an MMO, so be warned that a lot of the content when you hit level cap is going to be grinding for gear and doing raids. If you like that, awesome, if not then you can ignore it and do what I do, make a ton of Alts to play through the normal game with new styles, classes, and weaponry. The game has 40+ total classes to choose from, with each base class splitting off into multiple sub-classes, each of which play vastly different from one another. A ton of fun, amazing to play with friends, and completely free. There's no downsides at all!. Doesn't work.Hit play on launcher and game never starts, and you're forced to use internet explorer to play this game. No thanks.. as a very old player back from nexon, i can say that this game is pretty good to spend your time in, explore new classes with different playstyle, getting new epics(lol), and just spend time with guild mates and being cancer to each other, but in the end, you will reach a point where you get tired of the game and decide to leave, but you still remember the good old times where OV gear is still a thing
Dungeon Fighter Online Download Exe File
Updated: Mar 18, 2020